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Sexuality vs school uniform

A learner from a local school in Tsakane was dismissed from coming to school due to her wearing school grey pants instead of a dress to school.

According to the learner she was dismissed from the school and told by the deputy principal to only return to the school when she is wearing her school dress.

She explained last Tuesday she went with her parent and still was told by school management they will not tolerate a student who fails to adhere to the school uniform policy.

According to the learner she is a proud homosexual and feels the school has an agenda against her and other lesbians in the school.

The learner said on Tuesday she was phoned to report back to school wearing her grey pants.

According to the Department of Education spokesperson, Phumla Sekonyane the district has intervened in the matter and the affected learner has returned to school.

Sekonyane adds the department adheres to the constitution and legislation regarding children’s rights.

She says they are in partnership with other departments and organisations as these issues are dealt with in shared programmes of values in education and gender sensitivity, including respect for cultural and diverse practices.

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