Youth worried about drug abuse

The use of drugs does not only affect the drugs addicts' families, but also the community members.

Living in fear of criminals has become a daily part of many residents in Kwatsaduza.

Mandla Nkambule (29) who has been clean from drugs for two years has recently been a victim of crime.

To change his life for the better, Nkambule opened a small information centre in Geluksdal with the aim of helping other young people to have access to useful information that they may need to build their future.

He lost two laptops and a computer screen last week and suspects that the theft was committed by someone who needed quick cash to feed his addiction.

He explained that while residents still think that nyaope is the most popular drug that destroys the youth, addicts are now introduced to crystal math also known as Tik, a drug which seems to be stronger than nyaope.

Motseki Manyefane (28) who stopped taking drugs five years ago said he is worried that the drug dealers continue to introduce young children to drugs.

He said it breaks his heart to see these young people throwing away their future and becoming dependent on drugs that they cannot even afford.

“It is true that many turn to crime to get money to buy drugs,” he said.

He believes that a working relationship between the police and the community is what will help fight against the use of drugs within the communities.

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