Youth beat unemployment

While others complain about not having jobs to feed their families, the youth in KwaThema creates employment for themselves.

Sitting on the street corners of the township is history to 16 unemployed young people of Vergenoeg section in KwaThema.

They started Kapriva Dustbin Cleaning Service three weeks ago.

Speaking on behalf of this new born company, PRO Sipho Mhlungu said they formed this small company with the aim of providing bread for their families.

He explained that their company specialises in washing the 250lt dustbins that were given to the community by the metro a few months ago.

Mhlungu added that despite the fact that their business is still new, they already have about 129 reliable customers.

He said the organisation is also aimed at fighting against crime in their township.

Mhlungu said many young people from the township get tempted to join gangs because of poverty that they experience at home.

“We want to avoid using crime as an escape road from poverty,” said Mhlungu.

Thabo Moreku, the company’s coordinator confirmed that they formed the company to better their lives.

He adds that all the profit that they will make will help them pay for their studies at different institutions of higher learning.

“The majority of the company members are young people who have a dream to further their studies but could not do so because of their backgrounds,” said Moreku.

He believes that their dustbin cleaning company will also help avoid more rats in their homes while also ensuring a healthy environment.

“The dirty dustbins attract rats which at times also pose danger to the health of many residents in the township,” he said.

He concluded by encouraging other young people to start their own small businesses.

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