Crime stats

The police made 44 arrests and seizures over the past week.


Assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm2

Common assault1

Common robbery and assault1

Drunk and driving1

House break-in and theft1

Possession of dagga7

Possession of drugs3

Possession of stolen motor vehicle1

Possession of unlicensed firearm and ammunition1

Reckless and negligent driving3


Warrant of arrest2


Assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm1

Assault common5

Contravention of Gauteng liquor act2

Contravention of national road traffic act1

Contravention of protection order2

Dealing in nacotics1

Driving under the influence of liquor19

Illegal possession of unlicensed firearm1

Malicious damage to property1

Possession of suspected stolen property3


Warrant of arrest6


1.5m length of palisade fencing

28g of nyaope

R520 cash

46g of dagga


2 cellphones

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