Life still not improved for a 75-year-old

Life is still difficult for Maria Kobi Twala (75) whose shack burnt to ashes in 2012.

The Geluksdal senior citizen lost everything that she had after her four room shack burnt to ashes two years ago.

Twala escaped unharmed from the angry flames that left her and her five grandchildren depending on neighbours for a place to live.

Her hope of having a decent place to call her home, died when her only employed son perished in a car accident in KZN while he was on duty last year.

Now Twala is faced with a burden of taking care of her unemployed and sick son, William Malele and his children.

Because the only source of income in the family is Twala’s pension grant, she could not afford to hire people to rebuild her shack after it was eaten by flames.

She had no choice but to rebuild her home herself, but now the family have become victims of rain and wind.

“I had to use the burnt and old zinc to rebuild my home and could not build it properly so it has open spaces between the zinc,” sad Twala sadly.

When it rains, the rain comes inside the shack through the open spaces and the roof of the building is not strong nor good for people to live under.

Twala’s relative, Jeremiah Hlatshwayo confirmed that life is not easy for Twala.

He explained that Twala also fears using electricity as the electricity box was damaged during the fire.

“She feels like she is living with a ticking bomb in her kitchen following the fire and sometimes there are strange sounds coming from the electricity meter box since the incident,” said Hlatshwayo.

He appealed for assistance from the community to rebuild Twala’s home.

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