Former gangsters promote free life

Fear Free Life hosted a crime awareness and gangsterism event at the KwaThema Skills Center on Saturday.

Programme director Nazo Zulu welcomed business owners, churches, SAPS, EMPD and the community at large.

Chairman Tumelo Mpiliso says the aim of the awareness event is to change people’s lives.

Mpiliso told the public how he was a former gangster and ex-convict and was a danger to both himself and society.

“Our past will not determine our future” Mpiliso said.

Mpiliso in his conclusion promised the organization will be working hand-in-hand with the community of Kwatsaduza to address drugs and gangsterism.

Councillor Mandla Motta told the community to stand up for themselves in solving problems and stop waiting for the government to do things.

He says crime and gangsterism can be resolved together with the help of the community.

The event ended with entertainment from Amajajy cultural dance group.

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