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Caswel Stop Men Abuse organization

A new "Stop Men Abuse" organization has been formed by Caswel Gxowa to deal with men abuse.

Gxowa says he decided to begin the organization because he feels the South African constitution prioritises the protection of women and children mainly and does not include men.

He explains he is not saying women and children should not be protected but men should also be protected.

Gxowa elaborates he was married in 1981 and used to work night shifts at work to provide for his former wife.

He adds he got sick and was transported back home and alleges he found his former wife sleeping with another man on his bed.

Gxowa alleges he discovered his former wife was not from the country and wrote a letter the following day, taking the ring, to say she was leaving the marriage because she had received what she wanted.

He says this emotional abuse made him open up .

” The aim of the organization is to stand with all men who are victims of any form of abuse through trained professionals who can assist them” says Gxowa.

In his conclusion he says, they will be working with women’s leagues so men are educated not to abuse women and children and deal with abuse from both sides.

Chairperson of Stop Men Abuse, Felix Mthembu says the organization wants to create a platform so men can legally report cases of abuse without being intimidated.

Mthembu says their organisation hopes to bring change in Kwatsaduza and sustain healthy relationships among men, women and children.

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