Versatile pudding for any holiday

You can choose the taste.

Graham Lundie, chef at Stable Inn is mixing the versatile pudding. The ingredients to bake it are set out.

Graham Lundie, a chef at Stable Inn demonstrated a baked Versatile Pudding that can be baked for any  event.



Set the oven on 180 degrees Celcius.

Wisk together the egg and sugar.

Melt the butter on low heat and add to the milk.

Add this to the egg and sugar mixture. Mix well.

Add the flour and baking powder.

Add the pie apples or the dates.

Pour the mixture in a heat-resistant oven dish before putting it into the oven.

Bake for 30 minutes.

To serve

Pour the syrup ingredients, heated up in the microwave oven for 4 to 5 minutes, over it:

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