Know your rights when you are abused

Get a protection order

A protection order is a way in which both men and women who are victims of abuse can get help and relief.

The SAPS website says any victim of domestic violence, an unassisted child, or anyone on behalf of a child, may apply for a protection order.

The victim may seek protection from:

The website advises that a victim has to approach her nearest magistrate to apply for an interim protection order.

A victim may apply for an interim court order in the case of domestic violence and in the case of undue hardship or suffering as a result of this violence.

This interim protection order will request the person who is committing the abuse not to commit a specific act of abuse.

Springs Police Station has a victim empowerment centre where victims of abuse can get help and advice.

The police station’s victim empowerment officer, sergeant Sheila Ramlall says there is a place of safety at the police station for women and children whose lives are in danger.

If they don’t need medical treatment, they can have a shower and get clean clothes, sleep there and get their statement done in a safe environment.

Depending on her needs she can go to court for a protection order the next day and if necessary, be placed in a place of safety.

Ramlall encourages every woman who is in a abusive relationship to seek help at the victim empowerment office at Springs Police Station.

Here you will get debriefing and counselling, referral to shelters, as well as para-legal services and para-medical services.

Women may also get transitional support and a place to stay to facilitate their re-entry into society.

Call Ramlall on 082 722 6931 if you need help against abuse.

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