Community prays for a crime-free society

The community gathered at Sindane Park in Tsakane on Saturday to pray for freedom from crime in the township.

The day was also aimed at passing a message to the community that even if the official 16 days of activism for violence against women and children has come to an end, the fight against violence towards them still continues.

One of the event organisers, Busiswe Ndaba of ward 83 ANC’s women and children portfolio, said the event came after they realised a need to educate the community, especially the senior citizens, about abuse.

“It is true that the senior citizens are mostly victims of crime by their grandchildren who demand their pension money,” said Ndaba.

She appealed to those who live with their grandparents not to abuse but protect them.

Ndaba also encouraged the senior citizens who feel abused in their homes to report the abuse to the police or their neighbours.

Speaking about crime, Ndaba said the criminal activities that take place in their township have resulted in others being afraid to walk on the streets.

She motivated the youth to use the sports facilities available to them to avoid being involved in activities that might take them to prison.

Poppy Nhlapho (75), a resident from Amaswazi Section in Tsakane said she will share with the other senior citizens all that she learnt on the day.

“I did not know what to do when I witnessed crime or abuse, but today I know that the right way to fight these crimes is to report to the police,” said Nhlapho.

She added that as an old person, she did not think that when someone demands their pension money from a pensioner it is a crime, however, the education that she received taught her also about the senior citizens’ rights.

“We live in fear of crime while we also worry about losing our homes after being chased out by our grandchildren,” sadly said Nhlapho.

She thanked the event organisers for giving them information that will help them fight against abuse and protect themselves from being victims of crime.

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