No problems on first day of exams

The matric examination in all centres in Gauteng got off to a good start with no incidents or irregularities reported.

Phumla Sekhonyane, spokesperson for the Gauteng Department of Education, says that about 140 000 learner across the province wrote English Home Language and First Additional Language papers this morning.

“All districts reported that the distribution of question papers proceeded well and most schools started on time.

“Gauteng has this year registered a total of 101 265 full-time candidates and 42 382 part-time candidates.”

Sekhonyane says that these candidates are writing their exams in 928 centres across all districts in Gauteng.

“The department has established an exams war room to monitor the process and a rapid response team is also on standby to respond to any eventuality.” – @CarmenBoksburg

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