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Heritage Day celebration at KwaThema CCC

Staff at the KwaThema Customer Care Centre celebrated Heritage Day on Friday.

They showed up at work in different cultural attire, all ready to celebrate their cultural diversity.

On the day, the lunch that was served inc;uded different cultural food cooked the traditional way.

The staff also used the day for a team-building session with the aim to discuss what is expected of them to deliver the best services to the community of KwaThema.

Speaking on behalf of the centre, centre manager Andries Nkabinde said the day was aimed at reminding the staff about their roots.

“It is important to know where we come from, so that we can know where we are going,” said Nkabinde.

Adding that it is important for the staff to know about culture so as to treat people of different cultures with all the respect that they need.

Nkabinde believes that understanding others’ cultures also helps in knowing how to render the best services taking into consideration their cultures.

He said the staff at the centre will continue to celebrate their heritage.

Staff member, Palesa Motebela confirmed that they needed to celebrate their heritage.

She said the majority of the youth have adopted the western culture.

“It is true that our African culture is slowly dying while the western culture takes over,” she said, adding that in order to revive the African cultures, professionals must also celebrate Heritage Month at their place of work.

“We are defined by our different cultures,” Motebela concluded.

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