Items needed for babies

iThemba Hope Crisis Pregnancy Centre is desperately needing baby clothes and other necessities.

This non-profit, pregnancy crisis organisation opened its doors in 2008.

The centre’s aim is to help women going through pregnancy and mothers of young children to understand their pregnancy and care for their children.

Pat Kemp, centre director at Hope iThemba, says they help a number of women a day by handing out food and clothing parcels.

The centre regularly receives donations of clothing for babies and mothers, but it hands it out to the women in need of it.

She adds they need baby clothes, knitted jerseys and booties, blankets and wrappers, towels and face clothes, twin prams, travelling and flannel nappies and comfortable shoes for women.

Big towels are also needed for the women to carry their babies on their backs.

Kemp says the shoes need to be decent and can be of all sizes.

All the donations can be dropped off at the centre in Eighth Street, Springs CBD.

The centre is open Monday to Thursday between 10am and 3.15pm and Friday between 10am and 12.15pm.

The centre helps destitute mothers of whom most return to the centre after their babies are born.

Kemp says they also offer mothers a baby safe, which is a safe and private place for women who don’t want their babies, to place the child.

“I urge the mothers to rather come into the centre to get help and assistance from us,” she says.

The passionate volunteers walk a road with people with a crisis pregnancy.

A trauma course as well as a post-abortion stress syndrome counselling course is offered for those who choose abortion.

The centre works closely with the social workers at the Far East Rand Hospital.

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