‘Gays and lesbians are here to stay’

The Ekurhuleni Pride Organising Committee (Epoc) held its annual gay and lesbian Pride March in memory of lesbians who were killed in Kwatsaduza.

This was the sixth Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) March was held in Tsakane, on Saturday.

The members marched around Tsakane Mall to spread the word that they are “proud to be gay and they are here to stay”.

They also wanted to spread a message of tolerance towards gays and lesbians.

The march was also held in memory of all the lesbians who had lost their lives to hate crimes.

According to Ntsupe Mohapi, Epoc’s director, the march was meant to send a message to those who sexually, emotionally and physically abuse gays and lesbians, to stop the abuse and to encourage the community’s support in stopping it.

Speaking about the challenges gays and lesbians face, Mohapi said communities blame them for who they are, do not want to accept them and treat them as if they do not exist.

“We still need to educate our communities about gays and lesbians, so that they can see and treat us like other people within our communities,” said Mohapi, adding that some homosexuals are forced to live with their friends and relatives, after being chased away from their homes.

“Some families still do not want to accept that their children are lesbians or gay,” she said.

Community member Moses Maseko (54) also appealed to the community to accept these members of the community.

“They are our children and they need our love and support,” he said.

He added that the community needs to work together to fight hate crimes and so-called corrective rapes, especially towards lesbians.

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