Crime stats

The police made 100 arrests over the during last week.


Assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm 3

Armed robbery 4

Dealing in liquor without a licence 1

Drunk driving 1

Drunk in public 10

House robbery 1

Illegal gambling 1

Malicious damage to property 1

Possession of dagga 12

Possession of stolen property 2

Robbery common 1

Snatching cell phone 1

Theft of cell phone 1

Theft of shoes 1

Trespassing 1


Assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm 1

Assault common 1

Drunk driving 7

Fraud 1

Possession of dagga 9

Possession of hijacked motor vehicle 3

Possession of stolen goods 2

Shoplifting 3


Assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm 6

Burglary and theft 4

Common assault 1

Dealing in narcotics 1

Driving under the influence of alcohol 1

Illegal dealing in liquor 1

Illegal possession of narcotics 11

Malicious damage to property 3

Rape 1

Robbery 1

Theft 2

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