No EIA needed for construction of treatment works

The soil preparation for an acid mine drainage treatment plant is currently being conducted at Grootvlei Mine shaft three.

The Department of Environmental Affairs granted the exemption of an environmental impact assessment on this treatment works at the end of 2012.

Soil at the shaft is currently being dug out to serve as a solid base for construction.

The plant is the government’s short-term solution to treat and purify the acid mine water.

The company, Trans Caledon Tunnel Authority (TCTA) received the contract from the national Department of Water Affairs to build the treatment works.

TCTA contracted Stefcor to remove the soil before they start the construction of the treatment works.

Stefcor uses trucks to transport the dug-out soil over a distance of about 5km from the shaft to the old Daggafontein Mine, opposite the N17 freeway.

Tiny Els, senior site agent of Stefcor, says several tests on the dug-out soil proved that it is not toxic.

He says people living in the area requested loads of soil to be dumped on their premises, but this could not be granted because a contract was already signed to dump it on the open piece of veld at the old Daggafontein mining grounds.

Els says the construction of the treatment plant will be completed in 18 months.

Craig Hassenjager, project manager of TCTA explains the reason the government decided to remove and treat the acid mine water at Grootvlei is because this acid water is filling the underground cavities of the area.

It could have devastating results on the environment and residents of neighbouring suburbs.

Phillip de Jager, lawyer and resident of Blesbokspruit area, says although he and other residents are aware of the construction and the exemption the government granted, “This does not mean they have carte blanche to create dust pollution.”

He feels the contractor needs to adhere to municipal by-laws.

In the mean time, the residents have been asked for suggestions of where the high density sludge, coming from the plant, should be dumped once it becomes operational.

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