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Constable continues in witness stand

The dog fighters suspects were back in the Nigel Regional Court yesterday.

The 18 accused, one woman and 17 men, aged between 22 and 48 are facing charges in terms of the Animal Protection Act No 71 of 1962 section 24.

The suspects were arrested last year when police closed down a dog fighting ring in Tsakane.

During the second day of the trial Yesterday, Constable Bianca Bell was back on the witnesses stand for the state to cross examine her.

During her cross examination by prosecutor, Bradford Dias, Bell was asked to give the full description of what greeted them when the police and the SPCA officials’ arrival on the crime scene.

Bell said about 14 pitbull dogs were seriously injured and that one of the accused, who she was asked to identify, agreed to being the owner of one of the dogs that were found on the scene.

However Bell confirmed that they did not witness the dog fighting but they heard the noise coming from inside the yard where  the alleged dog fighting took place.

“The suspects were arrested on the scene and transported to the Tsakane police holding cells,” said Bell.

She continued to say that at the Tsakane police station one of the suspects handed over a bag containing a weighing scale and a bottle of ‘necro’ spray that is used for the treatment and control of topical infections in all species of animals.

This convinced the police and the SPCA officials that the dog fighting was indeed taking place on the premises.

The defense team argued some of the suspects claimed, in a written statement, to have been brutally assaulted.

Bell denied the allegations of assault and that no suspect had complained of injuries when taken to the police holding cells.

Magistrate John Vroogte then postponed the case for October 20.

The bail of all 18 accused was extended.

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