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Earth tremor hits Springs

It lasted about two to three minutes.

Springs experienced a strong earth tremor of the  magnitude of mb5.2 at 12:22pm on Tuesday.

According to the website www.emsc-csem.org this tremor was felt over a a distance of 147km, all over Gauteng.

It was 10km deep, the website commented.

“I promise you,  this is what I experienced,” says Piet Swart of Ridley Road.

He says he was laying on his bed when the bed started to shake and it was over within two minutes.

His belt hanging over the dressing table also moved.

Tanya Engelbrecht, working in the central business district felt the tremor as she sat on a window sill.

“It sounded like a big truck passing by,” she says.

The tremor received a lot of response on our Facebook page.

* Josie Nell Brits:  Terrible! How frightening earthquakes must be. We just had a tremor/minor quake here in Johannesburg – this building shook and shook and the floors wouldn’t stop shaking, the glasses in my cupboard falling over. Just when we thought it was over, it started again. Oh Lord, thank you that it wasn’t worse.

* Louise Wolhuter: Ek wag vir my kinders in Geduld en my hele kar het geruk!

* Chantal du Bois: I felt one in Selection Park, my colleagues in Jet Park said they felt three bigger ones with a few smaller ones in between.

* ViViana Sardelli PaPamalis: At Vischkuil it lasted about two minutes. Was scary.

* Annamarie Gouws: Yes I felt it in Johannesburg, it was a big one. The whole of Gauteng north felt it.

* Gavin Martin Keet: I Stay in Springs and felt it too. Very scary! Felt like the building in which I stay was about to cave in. First thought I was imagining it.

* Sara Haridas: I felt the chair move and my roof shake thought that I was going to faint. Now I realise that it was a huge scary tremor. On my birthday!

* Jerrileigh Lindeque Abraham: In Selection Park for just a bit longer than one minute. We are fine. No need to send out a search party.




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