Old mine shaft may be endangering lives

Residents complain about old open mine shaft

An old mine shaft in the Gugulethu informal settlement is uncovered and a danger to residents.

An Addie journalist went to inspect the shaft after receiving many complaints regarding the situation.

Being more or less 1km deep, residents fear for the safety of their children.

A source said that if a body was to be thrown down the shaft, it would never be found, as a river of some sort runs down there.

The Public Protector, along with Councillor Ramesh Sheodin, visited this site on March 4 and it was confirmed that the area is not safe, taking into account that is in an informal settlement where members of the community reside.

Yet, no-one is taking responsibility for this problem.

At the shaft, a source pointed to a few ropes tied up at the top of the shaft and dangling into it.

Apparently small children use these ropes for entertainment purposes to hang down the shaft.

Residents are becoming increasingly frustrated with the lack of structure and government failure to correct this potentially life-threatening problem.

The Addie has sent inquiries to the Ekurhuleni Metro, but by the time of going to print, has had no response in regard to the shaft.

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