Blocking of prepaid electricity leaves residents unhappy

Residents discuss metro challenges.

Electricity problems and challenges faced when applying for the indengent programme were part of the agenda during a senior citizens meeting, held on Tuesday.

Pensioners packed the foyer of KwaThema’s Civic Hall, and took turns sharing their problems with many of them blocked from buying prepaid electricity this winter.

Elizabeth Nkosi (80) is one such resident, she said after she was blocked from buying electricity she was told to pay R350 to be unblocked.

However more than a week after paying, her electricity was still blocked.

Elizabeth remained hopeful that her electricity would be unblocked, so she can buy electricity for her and her three grandchildren who live with her.

Another resident who was not at the meeting, Robert Nkabinde (53) said he got a big shock at the beginning of June when he was told he had been blocked from buying pre-paid electricity.

The White City Resident, in KwaThema said he always pays between R 200 and R 300 monthly for rent as well as buying electricity separately.

However after a cashier from a retail store processed his rate payment, he was informed to consult the KwaThema Customer Care Centre (CCC) which he did.

Robert said he watched the CCC cashier work out an amount from the top of her head, before demanding that he pay R350 to have his electricity unblocked.

Not understanding why he had to pay rent twice in one month, Robert added he was directed to the electricity manager’s office, but that too did not help, with the manager also insisting that he pay.

He said he understands that he owes the municipality, but since he managed to bring his account down from R6 300 to R2 400 in the last year, he believes that should serve as proof that he is not running away.

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