7.3% sting in budget tail

Get ready to pay more after MMC for Finance, Clr Moses Makwakwa delivered the Ekurhuleni budget for 2014/2015 in council last week.

The annual budget for the Ekurhuleni metro was announced at a special council meeting held in Germiston last Thursday.
The speech, presented by Clr Moses Makwakwa, member of th mayral committee for finance, presented the Medium Term Revenue and Expenditure Framework for the period 2014/2015 to 2016/2017.
The bottom line for residents is an increase of approximately 7.3% to your monthly municipal bill.
Medium Term Revenue and Expenditure Framework
The metro has revenue of R85 billion which is made up of R28 billion in 2014/15.
This represents an increase of 5.7% year on year.
The main contributors to the R28 billion are:

Proposed Tariff
In ensuring that the metro continues to provide sustainable services, the following tariff increases were proposed:

Factoring these proposed tariff increases, the average increase on an account will be about 7.3% compared to the 9.3% average increase in 2013/2014 budget.
“This is a clear demonstration that we are committed in providing affordable services and to broaden access,” Makwakwa said.
Social support
In view of the proposed tariffs, the municipality will provide the following social package relief:

The metro has allocated just under R800 million to this sector, therefore all our registered indigents will continue to receive: 

The metro invites all indigents in Ekurhuleni to visit their nearest customer care centre to register so that they also can benefit from this package.
The metro has also set aside R17-m for the Grant in Aid programme in its efforts to build social cohesion.
In delivering his speech, Makwakwa comments that based on National Treasury assessment during May 2014, Ekurhuleni remains the most affordable metro to live in.
“We remain very concerned by the fact that we are still collecting below our target of 93%, whilst there is high capital pressure for service delivery. “However, through the implementation of the revised revenue protection and enhancement project, we will continue with the battle of improving on collection.” 
The metro has set out steps it will take to improve collection:

Expenditure framework
The metro’s expenditure is R85-b which is made up of R28-b in 2014/15. This represents an increase of 5.7% year on year. 
The main contributors to the R28 billion are:

Makwakwa announced that the metro’s expenditure increase of 5.7% is in line with inflation but commented that the metro strives to contain operating costs.

Captial investment
Ekurhuleni will be investing R12-b over the Medium Term Revenue and Expenditure Framework period which is informed by the capital investment framework (CIF). 
Urban restructuring has been allocated R3.6-b, R4.8-b will go to upgrading and renewal and R3.6-b to economic development.
The capital investment will be spent in the following manner:

Transport, roads and stormwater
Money has allocated, for 2014/2015, as such:


Water and sanitation

Human settlements
Ekurhuleni is geared for the full accreditation of providing houses to the residents. 
R4.3-b will be added to Ekurhuleni’s capital investment programme as soon as the full accreditation is assigned.
The following will be spent in 2014/2015:

Community safety

Disaster and Emergency

Environment and waste management

Sports, recreation, arts and culture

The DA proposed an alternative budget which can be viewed here.

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