Shot and killed while escaping

A 16-year-old boy was shot and killed by the police in Duduza last Tuesday

According to Captain Bheki Mhlungu from Duduza Police Station, the suspect was arrested for house break-in last weekend.

He says because of his age, the suspect was taken to a place of safety in Soweto until his brief appearance in the Nigel Magistrate’s Court last Monday.

Mhlungu continues to say that the suspect was remanded in custody for further investigation and was then transported back to the place of safety.

“On the way back to the place of safety, when in the Springs CBD at around 5pm, the police noticed that the suspect had escaped from the police vehicle,” said Mhlungu.

He said the word to look for the suspect was spread and he was later found in Duduza.

“When he saw the police, he ran for cover and the police jumped out of the vehicle and chased him until he jumped inside one of the yards,” said Mhlungu.

He added that the suspect continued to try to escape from the police and this is when one of the officers shot him in the back.

However, the suspect kept on running away from the police and was later found dead,” explained Mhlungu. He said the case is under investigation.

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