Dog fighters’ case postponed

Following their last appearance on January 20 in the Nigel Regional Court, the suspects in a dog fighting ring appeared in court again on Monday.

The 18 accused, aged between 22 and 48 are facing charges in terms of the Animal Protection Act No 71 of 1962 section 24.

The suspects were arrested last year when police closed down a dog fighting ring in Tsakane.

They were all in court for their sixth appearance including the suspect who did not show up for their appearance on January 20.

Few community members, family and friends, braved the rain and went to give their support to the suspects.

Because during their last appearance, they did not have legal representation, Magistrate John Voogte first wanted to know if all the accused were legally represented.

The case was then postponed until March 19.

Smaragda Louw from Beauty Without Cruelty and Community Led Animal Welfare (CLAW) says they will not stop protesting outside the court during the suspects’ appearance to fight cruelty towards animals.

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