Dog fighters in court again

Dog-fight suspects appeared in court again on Monday.

Following their appearance in Tsakane Magistrate’s Court on December 3, the suspects appeared again in the Nigel Regional Court.

The 18 suspects, aged between 22 and 48 are facing charges in terms of the Animal Protection Act No 71 of 1962 section 24.

The suspects were arrested last year when police closed down a dog fighting ring in Tsakane. At the time they describe this as one of the largest illegal dog fighting rings to be closed in the area.

It seems as if the support that the suspects got from the community is slowly decreasing. The first words from magistrate John Voogte were to inform the suspects about their right to legal representatives before calling the names of the suspects one by one to ensure that they were all present.

One of the suspects, who is out on bail, was not in court and a warrant of arrest was issued.

After the suspects confirmed that they did not have legal representation, Voogte gave them a chance to apply for legal aid and the case was postponed until February 3.

Voogte explained to the suspects that if anyone fails to attend court on a given date, a warrant of arrest will also be issued against him.

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