Smiles after hard work

Tuesday was the day when thousands of students around the country, who sat for the matric exams last year, got to know how they had done.

Around six on Tuesday morning students were found in every corner of each township in Kwatsaduza waiting to buy newspapers with the hope of seeing their names before rushing to their different schools to fetch their statements of results.

Long hours of waiting for the paper to arrive at their shops and corners was worth it to some of the students while sadness and disappointment was written on the faces of those who did not pass.

Most schools in Tsakane and Duduza saw a decline in the 2013 matric pass rate compared to 2012 while all the schools in KwaThema improved their pass rate.

One of the top achievers from Tholulwazi Secondary School, Nkululeko Ngubane (19) who obtained four distinctions could not hide his excitement.

Nkululeko says despite the fact that he knew that he was going to pass, he did not believe it when he saw how excellent he had done in his matric results.

He says his dream of becoming a chemical engineer will soon be fulfilled as this year he will study chemical engineering at the University of Witwatersrand.

Sibongile Khambi, physical science teacher at JE Malepe Secondary School in Tsakane, saw some of her students getting distinctions in physical science and congratulated all the learners who passed their matric.

Khambi also encouraged those who did not pass their exams not to give up but to work hard and fight for their dreams.

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