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Kwatsaduza matric results

Some of the schools in Kwatsaduza experienced a decline in their 2013 matric pass rate compared to the previous year, however, others saw an increase in their pass rate.


JE Malepe Secondary School

The school has shown an improvement in its matric pass rate. It achieved 86.11% for 2013, an increase from 74.86% in 2012. The school was able to achieve 35 distinctions, 55 bachelor degree exemptions, 79 diploma exemptions and 21 higher certificates. Out of 180 students who wrote their matric, 155 passed.

Buhlebemfundo Secondary School

The school’s pass rate declined from 92.75% in 2012 to an 84.4% pass rate for 2013. It managed to get nine distinctions, 61 bachelor degree exemptions, 77 diploma exemptions and 19 higher certificates. 186 students sat for the 2013 matric exams and 157 passed.

Tholulwazi Secondary School

The school’s 2013 pass rate is 73.89% with an achievement of 66 distinctions, 33 bachelor degree exemptions, 58 diploma exemptions and 26 higher certificates.

Mammelong Comprehensive School

The school’s matric pass rate increased from 79.31% to 90.43%. Of the 115 students who sat for the matric exams, 104 passed. The school achieved five distinctions, 33 bachelor degree exemptions, 56 diploma exemptions and 15 higher certificates.

Reshegofaditshwe Secondary School

The 91.66% pass rate that the school achieved by the class of 2012 decreased to 82.4% in 2013. However, the school managed to get 20 distinctions, 31 bachelor degree exemptions, 62 diploma exemptions and 20 higher certificates. Only 26 students failed out of 136 students who wrote the matric exams.

Tsakane Secondary School

The class of 2013 obtained an 89.71% pass rate, a decline from the 92.75% pass rate by the class of 2012. The school achieved 103 bachelor degree exemptions, 123 diploma exemptions and 27 higher certificates. Two-hundred-and-eighty-seven students sat for their matric exams in 2013 and 253 passed.


MOM Seboni Secondary School

The school improved its pass rate from 81.3% to 86.5%. Out of 203 students who wrote their matric exams, 173 of them passed, one pending while one student did not write the exams. The school obtained 67 bachelor degree exemptions, 83 diploma exemptions and 23 higher certificates.

Thandi Sibeko Secondary School

The school achieved a pass rate of 61.3%. Out of 75 students who sat for the exams, 46 of them passed. The school’s 2013 matric class achieved 19 bachelor degree exemptions, 16 diploma exemptions and 11 higher certificates.

NN Ndebele Secondary School

Improved from a 62.8% pass rate to 85.22%, the school had 89 students who sat for the matric exams in 2013.

Asser Maloka and Esibonelwesihle secondary schools’ matric results were not ready at the time of publishing.

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