How is the Value Added Tax (VAT) going to affect your budget?

African Reporter took to the streets to hear views from our readers about the 1% increase in the Value Added Tax (VAT).

Swazi Mbele: ” It is selfish of the government to decide to increase VAT without considering how it will affect an ordinary person in the street”. 


Kenny Kgaswane: “The increased VAT is too much and the president must come up with ways to re-adjust it to suit the poor.”


Hazert Hlophe: “We are hoping that VAT will be re-adjusted as the year progresses so that we can all be able to afford the basics.”


Refiloe Mgcina: “We were struggling to afford basic food but now it is going to be worse now that the prices are going to be increased.”


Caswel Gxowa: “The VAT is going to put a dent in our budget and we are pleading to the minister of finance to review it.”
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