
Cruel dogfights need to be stopped

Yoh! But the world is a cruel place and people do really horrible things – deliberately.

I am not even thinking of bullying, which is also nasty and deliberate. I was reading the other day that some folk think it is fun to make dogs fight with each other.

Really? Can you believe that anybody is stupid enough to think such a terrible thing is fun?

It’s definitely not fun for the dog – that is for sure.

It is sadistic, mean and hurts the animals.

It is also illegal. Did you know that?

According to the Animal Protection Act No.71 of 1962, ‘Anyone who baits, provokes or incites any animal to attack another animal shall be guilty of an offence’.

Worse! These people specially breed and train their dogs to be mean and nasty.

Some even cut their dogs’ ears so they can’t get bitten off in a fight. Eeeuw!

Just the thought of that makes me want to rush off and hug my dog.

Even more disturbing is the fact that some people bet money on which dog they think is going to win, and then watch the whole fight as if it were a boxing match or something. Besides boxers – that choose to fight – dogs have no choice.

These people who place bets are just as guilty as the idiots who are making their dogs fight.

It gets even nastier.

There have also been cases where smaller dogs are used as bait just to get the fighting dogs ‘in the mood’.

As if this is not bad enough, revolting individuals go around stealing those little dogs from homes where they are loved and treated like furry children – only for them to land up being mauled to death by some vicious dog that never had a chance to be anything else in life.

The whole thing makes me seriously sick to my stomach.

Dogs are such loyal creatures.

All they really want is somebody to love them and look after them properly and they will, in turn, be the most wonderful companions.

They understand a whole lot more than people ever think they do.

They are not just dumb animals at all.

If you know of anybody who is organising dog fights, watches them or bets on them – call your local SPCA immediately.

It is not allowed.

Come to think of it – if you know of anybody being cruel to their animals – call your SPCA.


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