
Now that I’m not stuck in traffic

Now that I’m not stuck in traffic for an hour and a half every morning, things have changed.

Most of us could do with more hours in the day. Are we as attentive as we should be as to how we spend the ‘little time’ that we DO have?

I used to drive, or just be stuck in traffic, for more than an hour every morning – and even longer on my way back home. Almost a quarter of my 16 waking hours were gone, just like that.

Now that I work closer to home (yay me!), I have an ‘extra’ hour and a half every morning to do whatever I like!

So, I like doing make up in a well-lit room!

I don’t have special lighting so I pretty much depend on the sun, and let’s just say there isn’t much natural light at 5am.

I also like having breakfast at home, sitting down, at a table, slowly.

It doesn’t taste as good in the car (that is dangerous – don’t do it), or in front of the PC at work.

I really enjoy the school run with my niece and little brother. OK, sometimes they get on my nerves but I love them.

The moral of the story is that, if you look carefully, there are hours you can recover if you make changes.

You can find time to do the things you want and like to do.

Question your schedule.

Justify the hours spent on the value of each activity.

Don’t ‘go with the flow’ – that is how we end up spending five hours in front of the TV.

“Time wasted is never regained…”

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