
Know what you deserve

Kwatsaduza - As you plan ahead for the year that is to come, remember one thing that most of us forget: make yourself a priority in your life.

We tend to give so much of ourselves to our relationships, jobs, religions and other affairs.

And only when we reach half way through the year if not only at the end, do we realise that we’ve put everything and everyone else first, rather than ourselves and our needs.

We also make a habit of settling for everything and anything, because we feel that we don’t have a way out.

Sometimes we even go to the extent of coming to this decision, because we’re afraid of the unknown or of losing what we already have.

Or we do this, as we’ve been made to believe that we’re not good enough or worthy of anything else that’s better.

Take a moment and really think of yourself: who are you, what do you want and what would make you happy?

What it is that you really want to become in your life, how you can get there and what do you truly deserve?

At the end of the day remember that life is too short, for you to sit around being unhappy daily or trying to please other people – that you end up neglecting the mostly important person of all, which is yourself.

And why sit in a situation where you are waiting for another person to validate that you are worthy, or good enough.

The sooner you accept that it’s not everyone or everty company that will be happy with the person you are, or what you have to offer – the sooner you’ll realise what makes you happy and what you are worth.

If you are however unhappy in your current situation, know that only you can make the change.

But you can’t rely on somebody else to be responsible for your happiness.

So what better time is there than now, to make that positive change so you can have a happier you.

You don’t know when you’ll exit this world, so make every second count and strive to live better.

Live for now, make yourself happy and take back control over your life.

Stop sacrificing yourself, your family, children or whatever it is that’s important to you, because you want to put people who aren’t bothered with your happiness or well being, first.

Stand up for yourself and make time for things that matter – and invest your time in people who make you a priority in their lives.

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