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Shop owner loses everything

Duduza - A tuck shop was burned to ashes in Duduza on Sunday at about 11.30pm, according to the police.

Sgt Harry Manaka says the fire started while the shop owner was asleep. He was woken up by people screaming and trying to put out the fire with buckets of water.

“When the owner heard people screaming outside, he jumped up and saw that his shop was engulfed in flames. He then joined in the fight to extinguish the blaze.

Read: An organisation for tuck shop owners

“He also called the fire brigade as the fire was strong and spreading fast, putting the other nearby houses in danger.

“The Duduza fire department responded quickly. A fire truck was dispatched and the firefighters assisted in putting out the fire,” he says.

But unfortunately for the owner, the entire shop with stock valued at about R80 000 had burned down.

Read: Tuck shops ransacked

“The owner says everything was in order when he closed his shop at about 8pm, so he was surprised when he saw it burning.

“Despite the loss he suffered, he says he is glad that no one was injured and thanks the neighbours for assisting in trying to put out the fire,” says Manaka.

Duduza police have confirmed that a case of arson is being investigated as it is not clear at this stage what might have started the fire.

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