
Break the silence

Kwatsaduza – We all know, see or hear of children who have been or who are being abused.

But how many of us actually stand up and do what is right as a society?

For the past few weeks, all I have mostly come across when having a conversation with the police, is how fathers, uncles or grandfathers have raped a child or grandchild in their own family.

And, fortunately, with most of those stories, the families of those children took a stand to protect the child.

In other instance, even the school teachers have taken a stand to ensure that those who have sexually abused their learners are dealt with by the law.

This, indeed, should be applauded.

Into the back of my mind, however, comes some concerning questions with regard to these situations.

How do men, who our children trust to protect them, turn on their own bloodline?

What goes on for a man to start thinking that a three or four-year-old is ready or sexy enough to sleep with them?

What gives the rapist the right to take that child’s childhood away?

Where is the sense of being accountable for one’s actions?

How does this affect that poor child, whose childhood has now been stripped from them?

How does this action affect that family, where the women have to turn on their partners just to protect their young ones?

And even if you, as the man, do get arrested, get sentenced, serve time in prison; what happens in that family when you come out?

These are questions to which I may never have the answers, but it is still worrying.

In addition, we still have children and young women who are afraid of speaking up, while other who do report these sick deeds, get stuck with the problem, as their families choose to side with the perpetrators, rather than with them.

All these points and concerns show that it is important for us to stand up as a nation and to protect our children.

We cannot just sit back and turn a blind eye when children are raped and abused, hoping that the problem will automatically go away on its own.

Action cannot also be something we only think of doing during 16 days of activism, but should be a daily goal.

Let us, therefore, unite as men and women, speak up, teach our young men the right way of doing things and how to treat women.

Further, let us ensure that we create a safe enough environment, where our children will not be compromised by men who can’t control their sexual urges.

A child, is a child and they deserve our love and protection.

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