
Christmas clothes

I was going to talk about how fabulous the super moon was on November 14, but sadly there were so many clouds in the sky I’m miffed to say that I did not even catch a glimpse of it.

Everybody makes a big deal about it – and it does look very awesome if you see it in the right spot – but really, it’s just 10 to 14% bigger than usual because it is closer to earth.

This happens every so often, but this time it was the closest it has been since January 26, 1948.

Other people’s photos looked magnificent and I was really sad to miss out.

So, instead we are talking about Christmas stuff again.

Mum and I were thinking that it would be nice to have a different tablecloth for the festive season.

This is what you need: an old sheet, fabric paint, 500ml plastic bottles, rubber bands (or string), nail, hammer, and black bag.

Wear old clothes.

Ask your parental agent if they have an old sheet for you – preferably a white or cream one.

Put a few teaspoons of fabric paint into a clean 500ml bottle.

Fill the bottle with about 7cm of water.

Put the lid on and shake it up until the paint is properly mixed up with the water.

Take the lid off and use the hammer and nail to make four or five holes in the top of the bottle so it looks a bit like a shower head.

Put it back on again.

Do this with all the different colours that you want to use (two or three different colours look great).

Make peaks of material in the sheet and wind a rubber band tightly around the bottom.

Do this in several places until your sheet looks a bit like a hedgehog gone wrong.

Spread the black bag outside on a surface that you can clean (grass or concrete).

Put your sheet onto the bag.

Sprinkle one colour of paint onto parts of the sheet. Smoosh it in with your hands. Do the same with the other colours. Carry on until you can’t see any white bits left.

Hang it up to dry – just like it is with all the rubber bands still in place.

Clean up the black bag paint mess carefully. Wash your hands with soap to get the paint off.

Once the sheet is totally dry, take off the rubber bands and check out the amazing patterns. Ask your parental agent to iron the sheet to set the paint.

If you don’t do this, the colour will fade very quickly when you wash it.

If they are worried about getting paint on the iron – put an old towel or pillowcase over the sheet and iron on top of that.

You can revitalise old T-shirts using the same method too.

Have fun!


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