
Police safety tips for stokvel members

Kwatsaduza - Local police are urging stokvel members to be cautious with their money, especially during this time of year.

“We are aware that many groups are approaching a time of sharing their annual savings, or collecting their money for members to buy some groceries, amongst other things.

Read: Police warn stokvels, ahead of festive season

“As the Tsakane police, we therefore appeal to all these groups to share their money in a safe way and at a safe environment, to avoid robberies,” says SAPS’ Sgt Lerato Mngomezulu.

Some tips that stokvel members can use include:

• Doing transfers instead of withdrawing large amounts of cash.

• Changing the venue for gatherings every time.

• Having police numbers in place, in cases of concern about any suspicious movements.

• Sharing money and groceries in secured areas.

• Keeping safe belongings such as your identity documents, bank cards and money.

Read: Be careful with your stokvel money

Mngomezulu also encourages members to not tell people when and where they will be sharing their savings, as that might also lead to them being targeted.

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