
Two rob house in KwaThema with 18-year-old girl inside

KwaThema - A complainant (45) reported that, on Friday, at about 5.15am, when she left her home in Sam Ngema Street Extension Two, all was order.

On the same day, however, at about 8.05am, she was notified by a neighbour that there had been a robbery at her house.

Capt Thabo Sibuyi, KwaThema police spokesman, says when the woman returned home her daughter (18), who was present in the house when the robbery took place, told her mother that two unknown men, armed with a knife and a firearm, had robbed them.

Read: Victim faces the barrels of three guns during armed robbery

The duo took a TV set, a DSTV decoder, a microwave oven, three cellphones, two pairs of sneakers, a laptop and a computer screen.

No arrests have been made, but a case of house robbery is being investigated.

Read: Armed robbery investigated

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