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Addressing men’s issues

KwaThema – Various men’s forum groups from around Kwatsaduza and surrounding areas gathered at KwaThema Hall on Friday.

The purpose of the meeting was to support locals who were launching the KwaThema Men’s Forum.

The event had numerous motivational speakers, company representatives and organisations who were there to shares what services are available for the men and to motivate them.

Jonny Ngwenya from the Men’s Federation explained how they are trying to establish as many forums as possible in South Africa.

“Through research we have discovered that men don’t like talking, we have egos and pride.

“Furthermore, extensive research has also revealed that we need to tackle men’s health as we are seeing that most men are not for the idea of testing for any diseases.

“So we are working on creating forums and further uniting them with various departments so that when they have a gathering, they can empower each other and should test for cholesterol, cancer, HIV/Aids and BP among other things,” he said.

He adds that they are further looking at helping men deal with gender issues and assisting them in terms of employment.

Another speaker who was able to share her story was Marietjie Bothma, who is a local actress, motivational speaker and business woman.

She spoke about not knowing her parents, needing a positive male figure in her life, and being raped and facing abuse.

“I encourage men to own up when they have done wrong, to ask for forgiveness and learn from their mistakes.

“After all this time, I along with other young people I know, still need our fathers, so men please make the correct choices in life.

“Also stop blaming your past for your present circumstances, look at your life and learn from it as it’s is never too late to change,” she said.

She also encouraged men to take charge of their lives as she said society still needs them.

“You are the heads of the community, so make your mark for the sake of your children,” she encouraged.

Chairman of the KwaThema Men’s Forum, Johannes Habile said the forum was founded together with coordinator Dan Leshike.

“We have come a long way and as a forum we acknowledge that substance abuse, unemployment, crime, poverty, domestic violence and social ills can be combated through working together as men since we want to see change.

“This can be done through awareness campaigns and programmes because as a forum, we want to bring about positive change in our communities,” he said.

Organiser of the forum, Boys Ndaba thanked everyone who came to support them.

“All those with problems should come to us. We will try assist wherever we can.

“We also continue to invite young and old men of KwaThema to come and join us,” he says.

For more information on the KwaThema Men’s Forum contact Habile on 074 948 3735 or Ndaba on 071 924 0162.

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