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Trench poses danger to Hlanganani residents

Sharon Park – A trench dug up for electrical cables has been left open for months in Hlanganani, Extension Two.

Residents who live in Diederick Street live in fear for the safety of their children.

According to Thulani Mathebula, a resident, the trench was dug while an electrical box was being installed on their street.

The installation is not complete as yet and the Metro hasn’t returned to finish the job.

What worries most residents is that the trench has live wires sticking out, which is not safe for children and residents in the area.

“Our children are not safe when playing outside because of the trench and the live wires.

“We have contacted the municipality several times and they haven’t sent anyone to attend to the problem,” said Mathebula.

To add salt to the wound, the electrical boxes are not locked, allowing anyone, even children, to tamper with the electricity.

“Now that the rainy season is upon us we are more concerned about the open wires and electrical boxes because water and electricity can be very dangerous.

“As far as we know electrical boxes ought to be locked and only opened by the Metro or Eskom.

“We fear that one day we’ll wake up to news that one of the children has been electrocuted whilst playing,” he explains.

The African Reporter has sent questions to the Metro and is still awaiting a response.

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