
Helping the end-of-holiday blues

Sjoe! It’s unreal how quickly the holidays have whizzed past.


I considered getting depressed at the idea of going back to school next week but then I thought it would actually be nice to see my friends again.

Plus learning new things is always pretty awesome.

Did any of you use the ideas in my previous blog?

If so – I’d love to see the results.

You can always email pics to me at

We could put your pictures on the website so that other people can also be inspired.

A great way to end the holidays is to make something tasty to eat.

I’m talking seriously tasty now – like Milo balls!

You could get a group of friends together and pool your resources to buy the ingredients.

This is what you need:

• 1 x 250g packet of Marie biscuits

• 4 x tablespoons of Milo

• 1 tin of condensed milk

• Half a cup of coconut plus extra coconut to roll the balls in.

Smoosh up the Marie biscuits until they are all small and crumbly.

If you don’t have a blender or a mixer – you can put them in a ziplock bag and smack them gently with a rolling pin or a wooden spoon for a bit.

Be careful not to be too enthusiastic and break the bag though.

Once the biscuits are all nice and crumbly put them into a bowl (if you are not using a blender) and add the Milo, coconut and condensed milk.

Blend it well until it is all nicely mixed together.

Using a teaspoon – take a spoonful of mixture and roll it between your palms into a nice round ball.

Then drop it into a cup of coconut and swish it around until the ball is coated with coconut.

Place it on a baking tray or something similar.

Keep rolling until you have used up all the mixture.

(It should make approximately 50 to 60 balls – or more if you make them smaller.)

Beware…you will get very sticky hands but you can always lick them clean – after you’ve finished that is!

Place the tray of Milo balls into the fridge for 10 minutes to harden.

Then store them in an airtight container.

These really are a delicious treat – and they’re not as sweet as you might imagine.

Have fun making them and remember to clean-up the kitchen afterwards.



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