
The power is in your hands

Kwatsadaza – In many instances in our lives, we find ourselves in unforeseen circumstances which cause us to be unhappy about the current situation of our lives.

And though many may not admit to it, when you are faced with that dark period in your life, at that time it may seem as though there is no way out of that state.

This may lead you to isolating yourself from family and friends, becoming depressed, frustrated with yourself and those who are around you or not even giving of your best in daily life activities.

For some it many even gets to a point where they feel so helpless that they end up losing hope that there will come a time when this season will pass and positive changes will happen.

What most of us in such situations tend to forget, is that you are the only person who can change your current situation and that if you are unhappy about something, you are the one who has the power to change it.

This may mean changing what you are doing to get to that goal, shifting your focus a bit, thinking positive thoughts, being mindful of what you say about your situation, how you send your time and the company you keep.

Remember that though you may hit a speed bump or pothole while on your journey to what you think of as success, it doesn’t mean you will never get to your desired goal or situation.

For no one ever knows exactly how long it will truly take to get to where they want to be, regardless of the amount of planning you may do along the way.

Make peace with the fact that we will not all earn our accomplishments at the same time as our peers, family members or those who we look up to as our points of references in our lives.

When you have done this, set your own short- and long-term goals for yourself, have a timeframe for yourself, put in the work to achieving that goal and then focus on your own lane, because when you keep looking at others, you don’t take note of how far your have come and how hard you still need to work to get to your own goals.

And after having surpassed that time, assess what plans you had, what steps you took to achieving your goals, if the plan worked out, what challenges you faced and if you are still not there, how you can move on.

That way you will be able to see where you are and what is holding you back from reaching your own destination instead of falling into the trap of complaining, only to find that after some time, that is all you have spent your time on and have done nothing else to change your current situation.

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