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Seleme takes dreams to another level

Kwatsaduza - Local Ronnie Seleme is ready to run after what he calls his next big dream, which he believes will put Kwatsaduza on the map.

The 40-year-old shares that he wants to create Kwatsaduza TV.

Similar to other local TV channels, this medium of communication would feature documentaries, local businesses, talk shows, poor community service delivery issue, school matters, churches and social ills among other things.

“I have had this idea for years but lost focus due to my other business venture in the past.

“I, however, believe that now is the time to move onto this as I know and see we have talented people in our townships who can work and make this a success,” he says.

Seleme adds that at times he finds that people including himself, go to present their ideas to TV stations but sometimes what they ask from you is for a formula, turn you back only to find that a few months down the line, your idea is used, just under different packaging.

He says he knows the East Rand has a lot of raw talent to offer and that this channel can be a success – it can help in exposing things that are happening in the townships and give exposure to local artists.

“This can be our instrument of promoting the good in our communities and a tool to clean out the bad things that are affecting us as society.

“At times we limit ourselves as people of the east and wait for things to happen in other areas first, but what we forget is that a big dream starts small,” he says.

Though this may seem like a huge dream to others, Seleme in confident that he will find people to sponsor this idea and more people who will be interested in working with him to make this a reality.

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