
Suspects apprehended with 80 packets of dagga

Two men aged 27 and 35 years were arrested in Reedville on Monday for being in possession of dagga.

This comes after Springs police received information about a suspect selling dagga at Reedville, Mzumbe Section in Springs.

“The police made a follow-up at Copenhagen Street and they noticed a suspect fitting the description.

“They then requested to search the suspect and found a small packet of dagga.

“As the law enforcement officers proceeded with the suspect to his residential address, on arrival they found another 80 sachets of dagga,” says Capt Johannes Ramphora.

He adds that on further information, the suspect led the police to one of the houses in the same area, where the second suspect was arrested with half a bucket of dagga.

The second man was also arrested for dealing in dagga and police later discovered that last year he had been convicted and given a 12-month suspended sentence for the same crime.

The value of dagga is estimated and R5,700.

Both suspects were charged with possession of dagga and were expected to appear at the Springs Magistrate’s Court on May 4.

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