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Easter holiday fatalities down 46%

Transport Minister Dipuo Peters has released the stats of the number of road deaths these Easter holidays. The numbers show that there were 156 road deaths, compared with 287 last year.

She says that the preliminary figures were compiled from March 24 to March 28, adding that the much needed 46% drop can be attributed to the high number of traffic authorities who were visible on the roads during this period.

Peters says the road fatalities decreased despite the number of registered vehicles in the country increasing by 333 226.

However, she emphasises that a lot of work still needs to be done to ensure that these numbers carry on dropping.

Locals have welcomed the improvement in the stats, saying this shows that law enforcement officers and the Department of Transport are on the right track.

KwaThema resident Siphamandla Manana says that though the numbers are still high for him, he applauds the efforts of the law enforcement officers and the department for ensuring that motorists adhere to the rules of the road.

Nombuso Cindi says that it is very sad to lose a loved due to a car accident over this time of the year. She believes that if everyone followed the rules of the road, there would be fewer fatalities during the Easter holidays.

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