
Mother convicted for child abandonment

Duduza - A 33-year-old mother from Bluegum View has been convicted on a charge of child abandonment after she left her three children unattended for the night.

She was sentenced to one year in prison, suspended for five years .

This means the mother will not serve any jail time unless she is convicted of a similar crime during this period.

This comes after she appeared in the Nigel Court on February 23.

According to Springs police spokesman Capt Johannes Ramphora, on October 18 the mother left her three biological children alone.

He says she locked the children, who were all under the age of three, in a shack while she went out drinking all night.

The neighbours then heard the children crying and when they saw that they had been left unattended, they called the police.

“The police had to break into the shack to remove the three hungry children while the mother only came back the next day at about 10.30am.

“The children were then taken to the woman’s brother where they are currently staying after she was arrested on October 19,” says Ramphora.

In addition to the charge of child abandonment, she was also declared unfit to possess a firearm.

“We urge mothers to make sure that they look after their children at all times,” says Ramphora.

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