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Nominate a charity

Nominate the charity of your choice to benefit from the Addie's Wheels and Wings event at the Springs Airfield on September 10.

This event is hosted by the Addie and our sister paper, The African Reporter.

The entry fee is any type of non-perishable food per person in the form of tinned food, pasta, packets of soup, rice, etcetera.

The food will be donated to two Springs charities and one in the Kwatsaduza area.

The three charities will then distribute the non-perishable food among less fortunate people.

Nominate a non-profit organisation, and based on the number of nominations, the charities which our readers believe are most deserving will benefit from the contributions made at the Wheels and Wings event.

Send a short motivation with your nomination of why this charity should receive your contribution.

To nominate a charity, contact Izahn van Huyssteen on 011 812 4848 or email izahnv@caxton.co.za.

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