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KwaThema Indaba Tree Heritage Park officially opened

KwaThema – The Indaba Tree Heritage Park was officially opened on Saturday.

The park, which is situated at the corner of Nkosi and Shabangu streets, aims to honour and pay respect to the fallen heroes of the area who died in 1985.

Ekurhuleni mayor Clr Mondli Gungubele, members of parliament, ward councillors and other government officials were in attendance.

The families of some of the fallen struggle heroes, religious leaders and the community were also present to celebrate the memorable event.

Speakers emphasised on the symbolism of the park and what it represents for the people of KwaThema, saying it is an area commonly known for the role it played in the past, where residents would meet to discuss local issues and resolve problems.

Ekurhuleni MMC for Sports, Recreation, Arts and Culture, Clr Dora Mlambo, expressed her joy at the opening of the park, saying it is an important part of the history of KwaThema and that it should be an area that is taken care of and respected by all in the community.

Within the park, a steel sculpture of a tree has been installed to help preserve the history of the site.

A memorial wall bearing the names of the fallen heroes will be made.

Ward councillor Thoko Radebe says she and other councillors requested the area be preserved as a heritage site.

“We are pleased because now we all know and remember that there are people who died for the freedom we enjoy today,” she says.

“It is also a way of showing our gratitude for the sacrifices made by our fallen heroes.

“We are happy that our request was heard as such areas are scarce in our location.”

Gungubele unveiled the tombstone and officially opened the heritage site, saying people must never forget this place and its story.

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