
Tavern owner robbed in Slovo Park

Slovo Park - A female tavern owner was robbed of her car and cash by an armed man on Sunday.

Springs police spokesman Capt Johannes Ramphora says the armed robber stormed a London Street tavern at around 2am and instructed the customers to lie down.

He says the robber then demanded cash from the tavern owner, who is in her 40s, and she gave him her handbag, a cellphone and an undisclosed amount of cash.

Ramphora says the robber found the tavern owner’s silver Kia Picanto’s car keys inside the handbag.

“He used the victim’s car to flee from the scene,” says Ramphora.

No arrest has been made and the car has not yet been found.

A case of business robbery and theft is being investigated by Springs police.

If you know where police can find the suspect, call Springs police on 011 365 5700/19/20.

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