
What went wrong?

Some families in this country have lost trust in mortuaries following allegations that some corrupt officials make business by selling human bodies.

Many years ago, the corruption that we heard about was that of government officials misusing the state’s funds and nepotism in working sectors, but today’s corruption includes selling human corpses.

Losing a person you love is one painful experience and I can not imagine how it feels when the family is told that they cannot bury their loved one because he has disappeared from the mortuary.

Because of the love for money, people have lost their humanity and turned to vultures who are hungry for wealth.

People do not mind adding more pain to the already painful situation.

How can someone sell a dead person to others who want to make millions by claiming from their life insurances pretending that someone from their family died?

I now agree with someone who once told me that the world is changing, family members will turn against each other.

After reading about the family’s sorrow whose loved one apparently disappeared from a hospital mortuary, I had a question on my mind which I still struggle to find answers to.

The question that is stuck on my mind is, how do these criminals feel after robbing the family of their last chance to say goodbye to their loved one by giving him a decent funeral.

Do they sleep at night or to them it is just a business day as usual?

Despite the fact the when someone is dead, no amount of tears will ever bring him back, but the fact that you get a chance to bury him is the one step to healing and accepting his departure.

Our government still has a long way to go to ensure that this country is free from corruption.

The first step to achieving that is giving hard sentences to the corrupt individuals who make themselves rich while giving others a hard time and misery.

This country needs people who will stand together and say no to corruption.

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