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What to expect at varsity

Experiences of a first year student.

The first few weeks at university are of the busiest of a young adult’s life.

The website www.topuniversities.com says the challenge of new learning styles and independent study can add to what is already a very full plate of activities for most students.

It says the transition from high school to university is one of the biggest steps someone will ever take in their lives.

While the freedoms that come with leaving home for the first time will occupy most students’ thoughts when it comes to their first year of university, the reality of studying at undergraduate level quickly dawns on many.

For some experiencing the freedom from the confines of the school classroom will be a shock.

Studying at a university is different from school, demanding of the student independent learning, adapting to new teaching styles and the wise use of study-time.

On independent learning, the website says the difference between high school and university is that no-one tells the student what to do at university and that the student becomes responsible for his own study programmes and workload.

High school teachers both teach and ensure that work is completed with the intention of achieving a basic level of education.

The role of university lecturers and professors differ because they provide students with a framework and the skills from which they can explore their academic subject.

To overcome this shock, a student has to set his own targets, work consistently and steadily to ensure that he keeps up with the pace of university studies and maintains a balance between studying and living.

A further difference between school and university is the way in which students are actually taught and expected to learn.

To overcome this, know that lectures are a basis from which to understand a particular subject and the real heart of a topic comes in the form of independent study and the opportunity to discuss your views in either lectures or a tutorial.

Another major difference between university and the school classroom is the amount of time a student receives face-to-face tuition and that “free time” or “down time” should be at least partially invested in preparation, research and work in the laboratory to make the most of the academic part of their university experience.

On a student spending his time wisely, the website advised that students understand that this “free time” is time supposed to be spent in understanding and researching your subjects.

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