
How to: Handle conflict in the work environment

Everyone experiences that awkward tension between colleagues at least once in their lives.

No-one wants tension in the work environment as this influences productivity and other colleagues and makes you dread coming to work in the morning.

Here is what you can do to resolve conflict matters according to, psychologist David Ballard.

n Tackle the issue after both parties have calmed down.

If you’re working on a group project and find that one of your team members isn’t pulling his or her weight, it’s best to discuss the issue before it escalates.

n Maintain a positive outlook.

Maybe your co-worker routinely takes credit for your ideas, a common occurrence in a competitive work environment. Rather than accuse them angrily, consider airing your complaints calmly.

Keep an open mind throughout, and try not to assume that they will disregard your concerns.

n Practice “active listening”.

Passed over for a promotion you really wanted and felt you deserved?

When you approach your manager about it, don’t just fire off concerns. Hear them out.

n Ask the other person to suggest a solution.

Maybe your cubicle mate’s excessive personal calls are really starting to get under your skin.

Rather than tell him or her off, consider addressing the issue at a time when you’re both relaxed.

n Consider your role in the conflict.

Being the first to gossip about a co-worker doesn’t make you the devil.

Just don’t be surprised if the rumour gets back to said colleague and he or she confronts you about it.

In situations like these, Ballard urges employees to take responsibility for their actions and try to forgive and forget.

n Organise a staff meeting.

Annoyed by a messy colleague who routinely forgets to wipe down the table after lunch?

This can really gnaw on your nerves, particularly if you go to great lengths to ensure a clean work-space.

n Always keep a cool head when conflict with a colleague arises as no-one wants to say or do anything that may have a permanent effect on the relationship.

Remember, you can never take back words once they are said.

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