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Association spotlights township economy

KTD-TERA aims to organise and help all township businesses and unemployed graduates in Kwa-Thema, Tsakani, Duduza, Langaville, Geluksdal and surrounding areas to develop and revitalise the businesses and bring back the culture of 'Were we stay, play and work in our township'.

The Kwatsaduza – Township Economy Revitalisation Association (KTD-TERA) was invited to the Organisation for Township and Rural Economic Development (Otred) launch in Soweto recently.

“The launch was aimed at uniting all the Gauteng townships organisations and/or associations advocating for the revitalisation and the development of rural and township businesses.

“Otred will be the provincial mouthpiece for all Gauteng township businesses struggling due to funding support, the necessary business skills, including the red tape, for them to run sustainable competitive businesses in their various localities,” explained Vusi Sibiya, the chairperson of KTD-TERA.

KTD-TERA aims to organise and help all township businesses and unemployed graduates in Kwa-Thema, Tsakani, Duduza, Langaville, Geluksdal and surrounding areas to develop and revitalise the businesses and bring back the culture of ‘Were we stay, play and work in our township’.

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“Our association will work tirelessly to ensure township businesses get the necessary support to own sustainable and profitable businesses.

“We will also do a recruitment drive targeting unemployed university graduates frustrated at home doing nothing while having degrees.

“These graduates finish their tertiary education with the enthusiasm of getting employment soon after graduation only to find their qualifications are not necessarily required in the job market. Some do not have a social connection with those who would help them to get the job,” he said.

The association aims to provide graduates with entrepreneurship and reskilling programmes that will align their qualifications with the labour market.

“KTD-TERA is pumped to help improve and change the lives of our local businesses and unemployed graduates.

“In partnership with various stakeholders, such as government, the private sector and funding institutions, it is possible to turn the tide to a better future,” concluded Sibiya.

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